20090 Garner Rd, Virginia, IL 62691 Phone: (217) 452-3992


About Us

We are a church that is focused on being the best we can be for God, and doing our best for Him.  We want to be a lighthouse of God’s love and hope to the Virginia community and the surrounding communities.

We want everyone to know the hope, love and joy that only Jesus can give.


The New Life family would like to invite you to join us for service this week.

Each service features a time of contemporary and traditional worship.

Every message from the Pastor presents a timeless truth from God’s word.



We are a church that began as a result of a move of God.  In 1933, Rev. Jack Gibbons came to Virginia and held several tent revival meetings.  As a result, hundreds of people came to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Abundant Life Assemblies of God was created to minister to the people from the meetings and to the people of Virginia.

After being located on Beardstown Rd in Virginia, the church was renamed to New Life Church and moved to its present location at 20090 Garner Rd in Virginia, IL in 2010.  We currently draw attendees from many communities in the area, including Jacksonville, Beardstown, Ashland, Literberry, Chandlerville, Virginia, as well as many other towns and cities.